Upcoming Events

Philosophy & Asana Intensive

Welcome to the Rochester Yoga event of the year. The Tru Yoga community invites you to join Christina Sell and Douglas Brooks for an unparalleled weekend of philosophy and asana.

Dr. Douglas Brooks is a scholar of Hinduism, south Asian languages and the comparative study of religions. He lived in India with his teacher, Dr. Gopala Aiyar Sundaramoorthy, for many years studying and practicing Srividya, Auspicious Wisdom and the modern traditions of goddess-centered Tantra. Currently Professor of Religion at the University of Rochester, he holds both Masters and his doctoral degrees from Harvard University.

Christina Sell has been practicing asana since 1991 and teaching since 1998. Known for her passion, clarity and creativity, Christina’s teaching style is a dynamic and challenging blend of inspiration, humor and hard work. Christina believes that yoga practice can help anyone access their inner wisdom and authentic spirituality, and clarify their highest personal expression.

Christina has a BA in Counseling and Education and an MA in Integrative Education and Curriculum Design. She resides in Bellingham, WA with her husband, two very affectionate cats and the world’s best dog, Locket. She enjoys practicing yoga, writing, reading, cooking, hiking, mountain biking and snowboarding.

As leaders in their respective fields, expect to be under the tutelage of true teachers. Both Douglas and Christina rely on the foundation of antiquity and the reality of modernity in their teaching. They continue to forge paths, create maps and share them zealously.

Tru Yoga could not be more delighted to offer this prestigious event. Rochester, once the epicenter for Anusara Yoga, again has the opportunity to offer absurdly high quality Yogic experiences with a focus on community and self discovery.

Friday Feb 21 5pm-9pm

Saturday Feb 22 10am-1pm; 2:30pm-6:30pm

Sunday Feb 23 10am-1pm; 2:30pm-6:30pm

Early Bird Pricing (ends 11/30): $425 for In-Person / $250 for Virtual Only

Regular Pricing (begins 12/1): $525 for In-Person / $350 for Virtual Only

Registration is open NOW!